The Value of a Premium Membership at Wealthy Affiliate

I’m going to break down the cost and what comes with a Premium Membership at Wealthy Affiliate. If you don’t know anything about Wealthy Affiliate or haven’t signed up for their free trial yet, check out my post: Affiliate Marketing is an Easy Business to Start. To learn more about the Premium Membership, keep reading and don’t miss my Bonus Opportunity at the end.

If you haven’t yet, sign-up for the free trial and get 2 free websites, today:

Wealthy Affiliates Sign up



There are three possible costs for Wealthy Affiliate membership, as follows:


The first 7 days you’ll have access to everything a premium member would have access to, for absolutely no charge. No credit card required, just name, email and password to sign up. You will have your two free domains and websites to start out with, and those are yours to keep even if you never upgrade.


The basic membership will be you continued membership once your free trial is over. You will lose access to some options, outlined below, but you will still have your free websites and continue to blog and build them into money-making resources. You can continue your basic membership at no cost for as long as you like, with your two free websites.


The premium membership is $49 per month, or you can save by paying $359 for an entire year. After the 7-day trial there will be an offer to keep going in Premium for another 30 days for only $19, after which you would be charged the normal monthly rate or you can upgrade to yearly. You can cancel at any time, so I personally recommend at least taking the extra 30 days to take advantage of all the extra training and connections the premium membership has.

It’s very real to say that, if you put the effort into it, you could potentially be paying for your monthly membership within a month or two. After 30 days, whether you’ve made money or not, there usually isn’t a doubt that the the Premium Membership is going to be worth it to maximize earnings.



wealthy affiliate grid

  • Live Help – Free first 7 days / Premium unlimited
  • Private Messaging – Premium only (you need the network to help you build traffic fast)
  • Websites – 2 for the Basic /50 for the premium
  • Website security package – Premium only (Google trusts more secure websites)
  • Website backup – Basic and premium
  • Beginner affiliate marketing training course – Basic and Premium
  • Personal affiliate blog – Basic and premium
  • Live video classes – Premium only
  • Video walk-throughs – Basic and Premium
  • Keyword research tool – 30 free trial searches / Unlimited premium searches (Jaaxy)
  • Training classrooms – 2 free / 12 premium
  • Affiliate bootcamp training (Wealthy Affiliate referral program) – Phase 1 free / 7 phases premium
  • Affiliate program – Premium has 2x the payout for promoting Wealthy Affiliate
  • Earn while you learn – Basic and Premium
  • 1-on-1 coaching – Free first 7 days / Premium unlimited
  • Private access to owners – Premium only
  • 24/7-365 Website support – Premium only
  • Website feedback platform (Give and get feedback from the community on your website) – Premium only
  • Website comment platform (Give and get comments on your posts and traffic to your site to help you rank faster in Google) – Premium only
  • Website analysis (All the statistics and direction you need to monitor and build traffic to your website) – Premium only


Free and Basic Membership Training

With the free Basic Membership you will have access to two lessons in the Affiliate Marketing Certification Course, including:

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction
  • Chapter 2 – Building Your Money-Making Website

Premium Membership Training

When you upgrade to premium you get the following additional lessons in this Certification Course:

  • Chapter 3 – Making Money! (Get connected with affiliate marketing programs and learn how to add them to your website to instantly create money-making potential.)
  • Chapter 4 – Mastering Social Engagement (Learn how to build traffic through various channels, including how to tie in social media and use the community here at Wealthy Affiliate to build an audience.)
  • Chapter 5 – Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation (Strategize and optimize as you continue to build, with vital tips on how to ensure you are gaining readers and an income.)

Bootcamp Training

In addition to the Certification Course, Wealthy Affiliate Premium Members will have access to an additional 12-lesson bootcamp to learn how to grow our community and get paid for referrals. Premium members make 2x commission for referrals who sign up.



Community Access

The biggest perk for me as a premium member is the ability to private message anyone in our community. Networking is key to this businesses, and everyone here is after the same goal of building websites to create an income that can be earned from anywhere. We love to help each other out. If you are not a premium member, you will definitely miss connections and opportunities.

The community also participates in internal blogging and training that only premium members have access to. Every day I learn something new from reading about someone else’s successful action or inspiration.

Additional Training

While the training you get as a free member is helpful in getting your website built, the real information you are going to want is how to monetize your website. You can probably find a lot of this information through random Googling, but you will get your website built and making money exponentially faster with the training that is already set out for you here.

Even if you decided to go premium, take the course, and then cancel your membership, I’d say it would be well worth it. I’d also say you won’t be likely to quite because anyone who completes this training will see the value of the entire community and how it contributes to creating a real income for yourself.

Keyword Search Tool

Wealthy Affiliate has its own keyword search tool that helps you find the most popular search terms and determine what content will best rank on Google, helping you get to the front page for your search terms. With the free membership you will get 30 searches a month on this tool, which is great but not enough to really expand and grow quickly.

As a premium member, you get unlimited keyword searches on Jaaxy, so you will never run out of ideas on things to write about. If you’d like more information how this keyword tool works, check out my article: SEO Keyword Research Tool Free

Comments and Feedback

My two favorite resources as a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate, are the comment and feedback tools. I can earn comments and feedback by providing it to others, so we are constantly working together to build each others’ websites.

Many affiliate marketers struggle with how to get comments on their website. The more comments you have, the more legitimate your site feels, and the more it will be trusted by search engines. I have never had an issue getting comments with the tools I have in this community.

Additionally, the feedback I get is from real readers and fellow professionals in this industry. They can spot things that I might miss since I sit here looking at my site on a daily basis. I can’t tell you how valuable this input is in making sure my website gets and keeps the traffic I want.




Well, it’s obvious we get a commission when we sign up people to be a part of the community. The entire point of us being here is to make money. But that isn’t really our reason for promoting it. We aren’t just sitting here making ads for Wealthy Affiliate. What would be the point in that?

The affiliate program at Wealthy Affiliate is an independent (or “in house”) affiliate program meaning they take care of everything from training you, providing the resources and tools to build your website, tracking the statistics of your website, and paying you for referrals to their program should you choose to promote it. In 9 years, they have never been late with a payment and they have paid out MILLIONS of dollars to affiliates who promote their program. The opportunity to market and sell this training program is enough to pay for the membership alone.


Again, I have to bring up the community here, because it’s really what I value most. There is more knowledge to be gained by having a bigger group to learn from. Of course I want to expand this group, inviting anyone I can, because I know they will bring a new perspective that I can gain knowledge and experience from.

Helping Others

Those of us who are successful in this community are getting to do what we love to do every day – write about whatever we want. Even without our Wealthy Affiliate commissions, we’re able to make plenty through the hundreds of other affiliates that take advantage of the traffic from our websites. That is the entire point of what we are doing here.

By helping you, I know I will be rewarded with knowledge, traffic and income. And if you had the chance to share a great business building opportunity with your family and friends and get paid for it, wouldn’t you?



I get asked that question the most, and it’s not a question that has a simple answer because it takes time and work to build a business, and every business is going to be different. I could give you all sorts of numbers and details of what kind of money people are making with this, but the truth is it’s different for everyone. What I do know is that the opportunity is there and this is the resource that will make it realistic to reach whatever financial goals you do have. There are thousands of people making a real living with affiliate marketing, and hundreds of them are doing it the simplest and best way possible, with Wealthy Affiliate.

To get an idea of the numerous ways you’ll learn how to make an income here, check out my internal blog post: Can You Really Make Money with Wealthy Affiliate?



If you have not yet started your free trial, or if you signed up through Easy Business Builders and haven’t yet reached the end of your free trial, we’d like to offer you a bonus: Upgrade to Premium, before your free trial is over and I will give you the following bonuses absolutely free:

  • Free one-on-one niche coaching, to ensure you are choosing a niche that will lead to traffic and make you money.
  • A free review of your website, once you’ve started building it, with helpful feedback to ensure you’re on the track to success.
  • Free mentoring through private messaging. If one of us can’t answer your question, we will help you get an answer with the community.

The bottom line is, I want to ensure you succeed with this. Not only is that what I will get paid for, it’s my driving goal and purpose to help as many people succeed in life as humanly possible.




I definitely recommend upgrading to Premium as soon as you can. If you truly can’t because you just don’t have the funds yet, don’t stress it. We’ve all been there.

Finish your free trial. Build your website. And keep going.

It will all be here for you when you’re ready.


Wealthy Affiliates Sign up



I realize it’s pretty impossible to answer all questions about this membership in one simple post. I invite you to comment below or reach out to me personally through our contact form at the top of the website.

I’d love to hear of any successes you are having with Wealthy Affiliate. I’d even love to hear of your difficulties so I can take the opportunity to help you out.

We have a huge community here waiting to help you succeed.

Join us!

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